School Assignment for the 2005 - 2006
School Year (unofficial)

For verification of any school assignment please call the
Monday - Friday 10 a.m to 2 p.m.!


Address Zip Code

Current Designated Schools are:
Greenwood Elementary School
Rosa Parks Middle School
Sherwood High School

Scroll Down To See Additional School Information & Links

School Service Areas


     Sherwood Cluster | More..

High School

Sherwood HS
| More..

Middle School

Rosa Parks MS
| More..

Elementary School

Greenwood ES
| More..



School Service Areas extended...


Cluster/Consortium: Sherwood Cluster 


Service Area Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the School Service Area.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on of the School Service Area.) more info...

Vicinity Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the facility location.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on the facility location.) more info...

CIP/Master Plan

       PDF Copy (Download an Adobe PDF Copy of the current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Effects Table (Provides information about current and projected enrollments, current and projected capacity, and current and projected space available. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Demographcs Table (Provides information pertaining to demographics at a school, such as the race\ethnic breakdown. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Roomuse Table (Provides the breakdown of programs which effect capacity. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Facility Information Table (Provides information about a school relating to the facility itself, such as the number of relocatables, the age of the facility, and child care usage. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...

Other Information

       School ODEX (SCHOOL ODEX - Facts and links to info about each school including the phone number and address.) more info...
       Schools at a Glance (Enrollment, staffing, facility and budget information from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Performance Report (Report includes information about student assessments (test scores) , attendance, graduation and dropout rates, enrollment, and student mobility. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Parent Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by parents a with students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Student Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...

Driving Directions

       Directions from your address (Driving directions from your address to the school if available.) more info...
       Directions from any address (Driving directions from any address to the school if available.) more info...



High School: Sherwood HS 


Service Area Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the School Service Area.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on of the School Service Area.) more info...

Vicinity Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the facility location.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on the facility location.) more info...

CIP/Master Plan

       PDF Copy (Download an Adobe PDF Copy of the current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Effects Table (Provides information about current and projected enrollments, current and projected capacity, and current and projected space available. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Demographcs Table (Provides information pertaining to demographics at a school, such as the race\ethnic breakdown. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Roomuse Table (Provides the breakdown of programs which effect capacity. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Facility Information Table (Provides information about a school relating to the facility itself, such as the number of relocatables, the age of the facility, and child care usage. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...

Other Information

Sherwood HS
(SCHOOL ODEX - Facts and links to info about each school including the phone number and address.) more info...
       Schools at a Glance (Enrollment, staffing, facility and budget information from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Performance Report (Report includes information about student assessments (test scores) , attendance, graduation and dropout rates, enrollment, and student mobility. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Parent Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by parents a with students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Student Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...

Driving Directions

       Directions from your address (Driving directions from your address to the school if available.) more info...
       Directions from any address (Driving directions from any address to the school if available.) more info...



Middle School: Rosa Parks MS 


Service Area Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the School Service Area.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on of the School Service Area.) more info...

Vicinity Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the facility location.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on the facility location.) more info...

CIP/Master Plan

       PDF Copy (Download an Adobe PDF Copy of the current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Effects Table (Provides information about current and projected enrollments, current and projected capacity, and current and projected space available. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Demographcs Table (Provides information pertaining to demographics at a school, such as the race\ethnic breakdown. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Roomuse Table (Provides the breakdown of programs which effect capacity. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Facility Information Table (Provides information about a school relating to the facility itself, such as the number of relocatables, the age of the facility, and child care usage. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...

Other Information

Rosa Parks MS
(SCHOOL ODEX - Facts and links to info about each school including the phone number and address.) more info...
       Schools at a Glance (Enrollment, staffing, facility and budget information from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Performance Report (Report includes information about student assessments (test scores) , attendance, graduation and dropout rates, enrollment, and student mobility. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Parent Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by parents a with students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Student Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...

Driving Directions

       Directions from your address (Driving directions from your address to the school if available.) more info...
       Directions from any address (Driving directions from any address to the school if available.) more info...



Elementary School: Greenwood ES 


Service Area Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the School Service Area.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on of the School Service Area.) more info...

Vicinity Map

       JPG (A JPG map focused on the facility location.) more info...
       GIS (Interactive map focused on the facility location.) more info...

CIP/Master Plan

       PDF Copy (Download an Adobe PDF Copy of the current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Effects Table (Provides information about current and projected enrollments, current and projected capacity, and current and projected space available. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Demographcs Table (Provides information pertaining to demographics at a school, such as the race\ethnic breakdown. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Roomuse Table (Provides the breakdown of programs which effect capacity. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...
       Facility Information Table (Provides information about a school relating to the facility itself, such as the number of relocatables, the age of the facility, and child care usage. Data is from the Current CIP or Master Plan.) more info...

Other Information

Greenwood ES
(SCHOOL ODEX - Facts and links to info about each school including the phone number and address.) more info...
       Schools at a Glance (Enrollment, staffing, facility and budget information from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Performance Report (Report includes information about student assessments (test scores) , attendance, graduation and dropout rates, enrollment, and student mobility. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Parent Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by parents a with students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...
       Student Survey of the School Environment (This web site contains the most recent results from Surveys of School Environment completed by students in Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Data from the Office of Shared Accountability.) more info...

Driving Directions

       Directions from your address (Driving directions from your address to the school if available.) more info...
       Directions from any address (Driving directions from any address to the school if available.) more info...